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AWHONN High Risk & Critical Care Obstetrics pdf

Co-distributed with the Association of Women's Health, Obstetrics and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN), this exhaustive book on cutting edge obstetrics hone concentrates on the care of childbearing ladies with confusions amid pregnancy and the related proficient worries of perinatal experts tending to them. This generously reexamined release mirrors the critical change in this claim to fame territory and the need
to work together by and by to amplify understanding results. The sum total of what sections have been reconsidered by RN-MD creator groups.

This version incorporates the AWHONN Perinatal Morbidity Advisory Panel Top 5 Issues: heftiness, thromboembolic ailment, diabetes, perinatal contaminations, and heart malady. The whole first area exhibits the substances of today's work on including morals, coordinated effort, and patient wellbeing. Nineteen sections detail the essential inconveniences of pregnancy.

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