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Critical care nephrology is a new discipline formally born
in 1998 from a group of scientists and physicians who established its defi nition as a multidisciplinary branch of
medicine dealing with issues at the crossroad of intensive
care medicine and nephrology. The discipline became
established thanks to a growing appreciation of the
importance of this fi eld, an expanding body of laboratory
and clinical research in this area, editorials (C Ronco, R
Bellomo: Critical Care Nephrology: the time has come.
Nephrol Dial Transplant, 13, 264-267, 1998), International
Congresses (First- Second and Third International Courses
on Critical Care Nephrology, Vicenza Italy, 1998-2001-
2004 and 2007), and the fi rst dedicated textbook (Critical
Care Nephrology, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998).


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